Universal Indoor Mask Mandate on August 6th
Santa Barbara County is mandating universal indoor masking no matter your vaccination status.
Social distancing at this time is NOT required. In addition, the State of California released an additional Health Officer Order on masking and testing for unvaccinated individuals in particular settings.
This updated guidance includes:
-Recommendation for universal masking indoors Statewide
-Adds Adult and Senior Care Facilities to settings where all individuals must wear masks indoors
-References new requirements for unvaccinated workers in the State Health Officer July 26 Order
In this updated State guidance, all facilities listed below must verify the vaccine state of all workers:
A. Acute Health Care and Long-Term Care Settings:
1. General Acute Care Hospitals
2. Skilled Nursing Facilities (including Subacute Facilities)
3. Intermediate Care Facilities
B. High-Risk Congregate Settings:
4. Adult and Senior Care Facilities
5. Homeless Shelters
6. State and Local Correctional Facilities and Detention Centers
C. Other Health Care Settings:
7. Acute Psychiatric Hospitals
8. Adult Day Health Care Centers
9. Adult Day Programs Licensed by the California Department of Social Services
10. Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) and PACE Centers
11. Ambulatory Surgery Centers
12. Chemical Dependency Recovery Hospitals
13. Clinics & Doctor Offices (including behavioral health, surgical)
14. Congregate Living Health Facilities
15. Dental Offices
16. Dialysis Centers
17. Hospice Facilities
18. Pediatric Day Health and Respite Care Facilities
19. Residential Substance Use Treatment and Mental Health Treatment Facilities
For acceptable forms of verification, please click here.
Testing requirements in this new guidance requires:
Asymptomatic unvaccinated employees to be tested at least twice weekly with either PCR or antigen testing in acute care, long term care, and high-risk congregate settings. For additional testing requirements, visit: https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/COVID-19/Order-of-the-State-Public-Health-Officer-Unvaccinated-Workers-In-High-Risk-Settings.aspx
Resource: https://publichealthsbc.org/